Autor: Dr. Oliver Gliech

1. Überblicksdarstellungen

Vor 1989:

Broom, Leonard: The Social Differentiation of Jamaica, in: American Sociological Review, Bd. 19, Nr. 2 (1954), S. 115-25    

Gordon, Derek: Class, status and social mobility in Jamaica, 59 S., Inst.of social and economic research, [Kingston-Mona], 1987

Kaufman, Michael: Democracy and Social Transformation in Jamaica, in: Social and Economic Studies, Bd. 37, Nr. 3 (1988), S. 45-73

2. Sachthemen

2.1. Agrargesellschaft

Smith, M. G.: Community Organization in Rural Jamaica, in: Social and Economic Studies, Bd. 5, Nr. 3 (1956), S. 295-312

2.2. Drogen / Handel und Konsum

United States Department of State: Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, Volume I, Drug and Chemical Control, March 2014, S. 210-14 (Jamaica)

2.3. Eliten

Bell, Wendell: Equality and Attitudes of Elites in Jamaica, in: Social and Economic Studies, Bd. 11, Nr. 4 (1962), S. 409-432

2.4. Familien und Familienplanung

Jackson, Jean; Eggleston, Elizabeth; Lee, Amy; Hardee, Karen: Reproductive Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour Among Young Addlescents in Jamaica, in: Social and Economic Studies, Bd. 46, Nr. 1 (1997), S. 95-109

Sobo, Elisa J.: Bodies, Kin, and Flow: Family Planning in Rural Jamaica,in: Medical Anthropology Quarterly, New Series, Bd. 7, Nr. 1 (1993), S. 50-73

2.5. Gewalt

Eyre, L. Alan: Political Violence and Urban Geography in Kingston, Jamaica, in: Geographical Review, Bd. 74, Nr. 1 (1984), S. 24-37

Levy, Horace (Hrsg.): They cry 'respect'!: urban violence and poverty in Jamaica, Mona, Kingston, Jamaica: Centre for Population, Community and Social Change, 40 S., Dep. of Sociology and Social Work, Univ. of the West Indies, 1996

Muturi, Nancy: Violence against women in the Caribbean: An intervention and lessons learned from Jamaica, in: Caribbean quarterly, Bd. 52, Nr. 2-3 (2006), S. 83-104

2.6. Kinder und Jugendliche

Morris, Kerry-Ann N., Edwards, Michelle T.: Disaster Risk Reduction and Vulnerable Populations in Jamaica: Protecting Children within the Comprehensive Disaster Management Framework, in: Children, Youth and Environments, Bd. 18, Nr. 1, Children and Disasters (2008), S. 389-407

2.6.1. Hilfsprojekte für Kinder und Jugendliche

Help Jamaica

2.7. Klassen

Austin-Broos, Diane J.: Race/Class: Jamaica's discourse of heritable identity, in: NWIG: New West Indian Guide, Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Bd. 68, Nr. 3/4 (1994), S. 213-33

Stone, Carl: Social class and partisan attitudes in urban Jamaica, in: Social and Economic Studies, Bd. 21, Nr. 1 (1972), S. 1-29

2.8. Kriminalität

Dillmann, Hans-Ulrich: Dudus, Bruce und die Dons: organisiertes Verbrechen und Politik auf Jamaica, in: Ila, Bd. 358 (2012), S. 8-10

Harriott, Anthony: The changing social organization of crime and criminals in Jamaica, in: Caribbean Quarterly, Bd. 42, Nr. 2/3 (1996), S. 54-71

Harriott, Anthony: Organized crime and politics in Jamaica: breaking the nexus, 214 S., Canoe Pr., Mona, 2008

2.9. "Rasse", Rassismus

Austin-Broos, Diane J.: Race/Class: Jamaica's discourse of heritable Identity, in: NWIG: New West Indian Guide, Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Bd. 68, Nr. 3/4 (1994), S. 213-33

Ceyrat, Antony: Jamaique: la construction de l'identité noire, depuis l'indépendance, 135 S., L'Harmattan, Paris, 2009

Headley, Bernard D.: Toward a Cyclical Theory of Race Relations in Jamaica, in: Journal of Black Studies, Bd. 15, Nr. 2 (1984), S. 207-222

Nettleford, Rex M.: Mirror, mirror: identity, race and protest in Jamaica, 256 S., Collins and Sangster, [Kingston], 1970

Salih, Sara: Representing mixed race in Jamaica and England from the Abolition Era to the present, 204 S., Routledge, New York, 2011

Waters, Anita M.: Race, class, and political symbols: rastafari and reggae in Jamaican politics, 343 S., Transaction Books, New Brunswick, USA, 1985

2.9.1. Statistiken

1970 population census, Bd. 7, Race and religion, 182 S., University of the West Indies, 1976

Population census 2001, Bd. 7: Ethnic origin and religion, 101 S.,Statistical Institute of Jamaica, Kingston, 2004

2.9.2. "Black supremacy". Jamaicanische Quellen zur "Überlegenheit der schwarzen Rasse"

Pettersburgh, Fitz Balintine: The royal parchment scroll of black supremacy, Headstart Printing & Publishing Publ., Kingston, Jamaica, 1996 (1. Aufl.: 1926) Marcus Garvey

Patsides, Nicholas: Marcus Garvey, race idealism and his Vision of Jamaican self-government, in: Caribbean Quarterly, Bd. 51, Nr. 1 (2005), S. 37-52

Rudwick, Elliott M.: DuBois versus Garvey: Race Propagandists at War, in: The Journal of Negro Education, Bd. 28, Nr. 4 (1959), S. 421-29

Satter, Beryl: Marcus Garvey, Father Divine and the Gender Politics of Race Difference and Race Neutrality, in: American Quarterly, Bd. 48, Nr. 1 (1996), S. 43-76

2.9.3. Weiße Schönheitsideale / Übernahme durch schwarze Jamaicaner

Charles, Christopher A. D.: Skin Bleachers' Representations of Skin Color in Jamaica, in: Journal of Black Studies, Bd. 40, Nr. 2 (2009), S. 153-70

Charles, Christopher A. D.: Skin Bleaching, Self-Hate, and Black Identity in Jamaica, in: Journal of Black Studies, Bd. 33, Nr. 6 (2003), S. 711-28

Miller, Errol: Body Image, Physical Beauty and Colour among Jamaican Adolescents, in: Social and Economic Studies (March 1969)

2.10. Rastafari

Barrett, Leonard E.: The Rastafarians, 306 S., Beacon Pr., Boston, Mass., 1997

Borle, Fabienne: Analyse d'un mouvement messianique de type africain à la Jamaique: le mouvement Rastafari, 113 S., Bruxelles, 1980-81

Chevannes, Alston Barrington: Social and ideological origins of the Rastafari movement in Jamaica, 438 S., ph.Diss., Columbia Univ., New York, 1990

Chevannes, Barry: Rastafari: roots and ideology, 298 S., Syracuse U.P., Syracuse, NY, 1994

Clarke, Peter Bernard: Black paradise: the Rastafarian movement, 126 S., 5th ed., Reginald, Borgo Pr., San Bernardino, Calif., 1995

Edmonds, Ennis Barrington: Rastafari: from outcasts to culture bearers, 194S., Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 2003

Erskine, Noel Leo: From Garvey to Marley: Rastafari theology, 224 S., Univ. Press of Florida, Gainesville/Fla., 2005

King, Stephen A.: Reggae, Rastafari, and the rhetoric of social control, 173 S., Univ. Press of Mississippi, Jackson, Miss., 2002

Lutanie, Boris: Introduction au mouvement Rastafari, 56 S., L'Esprit Frappeur, Paris, 2000

Mack, Douglas R. A.: From Babylon to Rastafari: origin and history of the Rastafarian movement, 157 S., Research Associates School Times, Chicago, 1999

Mulvaney, Rebekah Michele: Rastafari and reggae: a dictionary and sourcebook, 253 S., Greenwood Pr., New York, 1990

Rastafari, 220 S., [Univ. of the West Indies, Dep. of Extra-Mural Studies], Mona, Kingston, 2000

Waters, Anita M.: Race, class, and political symbols: rastafari and reggae in Jamaican politics, 343 S., Transaction Books, New Brunswick, USA, 1985

Zips, Werner (Hrsg.): Rastafari: a universal philosophy in the third millenium, 313 S., Randle, Kingston, 2006


Barnett, Michael: The many faces of Rasta: Doctrinal Diversity within the Rastafari Movement, in: Caribbean quarterly, Bd. 51, Nr. 2 (2005), S. 67-79

Cavalcanti, Cristina: Rastafari: los caminos autónomos hacia la identidad, in: In: El Caribe contemporáneo, México, Nr. 10 (1985), S. 123-128

Chevannes, Barry: Healing the Nation: Rastafari Exorcism of the Ideologyof Racism in Jamaica, in: Caribbean Quarterly, Bd. 36, Nr. 1/2, Ideas and Caribbean Socio-Cultural Reality (1990), S. 59-84

2.10.1. Bibliografie

Owens, J. V.: Literature on the Rastafari: 1955-1974: a review, in: Caribbean Studies, Nr. 11/12 (1975), S. 86-114

Palmer, Dorothy M.: An evaluation of bibliographical materials of nontraditional religions in Jamaica: Revival and Rastafari, in: Mark L. Grover (Hrsg.): Religion and Latin America in the twenty-first century: libraries reacting to social change, Rockville, Maryland, May 17 - 21, 1997, Austin, S. 168-82

2.10.2. Vor 1962

Dijk, Frank Jan van: Sociological means: colonial reactions to the radicalization of Rastafari in Jamaica, 1956 - 1959, in: Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden, Bd. 69, Nr. 1/2 (1995), S. 67-101

2.10.3. Ausland, Rastafari-Bewegung außerhalb Jamaicas

Furé Davis, Samuel: La cultura Rastafari en Cuba, 223 S., Editorial Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, 2011

Garrison, Len: Black youth, rastafarianism, and the identity crisis in Britain, 54 S., Afro-Caribbean Education Resource Project, London, 1979

Hansing, Katrin: Rasta, race and revolution: the emergence and development of the rastafari movement in socialist Cuba, 264 S., LIT, Münster, Westf., 2006

Savishinsky, Neil J.: Transnational popular culture and the global spread of the Jamaican Rastafarian movement, in: Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden, Bd. 68, Nr. 3/4 (1994), S. 259-281

2.10.4. Frauen in der Rastafari-Bewegung

Lake, Obiagele: The many voices of Rastafarian women: sexual subordination in the midst of liberation, in: Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden, Bd. 68, Nr. 3/4 (1994), S. 235-257

Lake, Obiagele: Rastafari women: subordination in the midst of liberation theology, 199 S., Carolina Academic Press, Durham, NC, 1998

2.10.5. Sprache / Vokabular

Jendah, Jesse: Rasta talk: [the itionary], 53 S., LMH Publ., Kingston, Jamaica, 2008

Pollard, Velma: Dread talk: the language of Rastafari, 117 S., Canoe Pr., Kingston, 2000

2.11. Sexuelle Minderheiten / Homosexuelle

White, Ruth C.; Carr, Robert: Homosexuality and HIV/AIDS Stigma in Jamaica, in: Culture, Health & Sexuality, Bd. 7, Nr. 4 (2005), S. 347-359

2.12. Soziale Proteste

Nettleford, Rex M.: Mirror, mirror: identity, race and protest in Jamaica, 256 S., Collins and Sangster, [Kingston], 1970

Vor 1962:

Post, Ken: Arise Ye Starvelings: The Jamaican Labour Rebellion of 1938 and its Aftermath. Mouton, The Hague, 1979

2.13. Soziologie

Robotham, Don: The emergence of sociology in Jamaica, in: Social and Economic Studies, Bd. 33, Nr. 1 (1984), S. 83-116

2.14. Ungleichheit und Verteilungsgerechtigkeit

Danielson, Anders: Poverty, inequality and growth in Jamaica, 1988-98, and beyond, in: Social and Economic Studies, Bd. 53, Nr. 1 (2004), S. 73-93

Vor 1989:

Bell, Wendell: Equality and Attitudes of Elites in Jamaica, in: Socialand Economic Studies, Bd. 11, Nr. 4 (1962), S. 409-432

2.15. Wohnungssituation

Population census 2001, Bd. 4, pt. B. Book 4: Housing, 143 S., Statistical Institute of Jamaica, Kingston, 2004