Autor: Dr. Oliver Gliech

1. Überblicksdarstellungen

Barany, Zoltan: The soldier and the changing state: Building democratic armies in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas, Princeton U.P., Princeton, 2012

Child, John: The unequal alliance: The inter-American military system, 1938-1978, Westview Press, Boulder/Col., 1980

Fitch, John Samuel: The armed forces and democracy in Latin America, Baltimore, 1998

Mares, David R.: Violent Peace: Militarized interstate bargaining in Latin America, 302 S., Columbia U.P., New York, 2001

Marley, David F.: Wars of the Americas, Bd. 2, Independence to the modern era, 2. Aufl., ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, Calif., 2008

Nunn, Frederick M.: The time of the generals. Latin American professional militarism in world perspective, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, London, 1992

Pedraja Tomán, René de la: Wars of Latin America, 1899-1941, 496 S., McFarland, Jefferson/NC, 2006

Scheina, Robert L.: Latin American's wars, Bd. 2: The age of the professional soldier, 1900-2001, 569 S., Brassey, Washington/D.C., 2003

Wolpin, Miles D.: Military radicalism in Latin America, in: Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Bd. 23, Nr. 4 (1981), S. 395-428

Seit 2000:

Cabrera Toledo, Lester: Militares en tareas no militares: una tendencia con consecuencias multifacéticas en América del Sur, 25 S., Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES-ILDIS) Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, 2014


cf. Politik: Transition von Militärdiktaturen zu demokratien

Franko, Patrice: De facto demilitarization: Budget-driven downsizing in Latin America, in: Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Bd. 36, Nr. 1 (1994), S. 37-74


Philip, George: The military in South American politics, London, 1985

O'Brien, Philip; Cammack, Paul (Hrsg.): Generals in retreat. The crisis of military rule in Latin America, Manchester, 1985


Esser, Klaus; Sotelo, Ignacio; Moltmann, B.: Die bewaffneten Technokraten: Militär und Politik in Lateinamerika, Hannover, 1975

Hyman, Elizabeth H.: Soldiers in politics: new insights on Latin American armed forces, in: Political Science Quarterly, Bd. 37 (1972), S. 401-418

Lindenberg, Klaus: Zur politischen Funktion des Militars in Lateinamerika, in: Lindenberg, Klaus (Hrsg.): Politik in Lateinamerika. Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstituts der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Verlag für Literatur und Zeitgeschehen, Hannover, 1971, S. 61 ff.

Vor 1970:

Horowitz, Irving L.: The military elites, in: Lipset, Seymour Martin; Solari, Aldo (Hrsg.): Elites in Latin America, Oxford U.P., New York 1967, S. 146 ff.

Johnson, John J.: The Latin American military as a political competing groupin transitional society, in: ders. (Hrsg.): The role of the military in underdeveloped countries, Princeton University Press, Princeton/N.J., 1967, S. 91 ff.

Johnson, John J.: Military and society in Latin America. Stanford U.P., Stanford, 1964

Lieuwen, Edwin: Arms and politics in Latin America, 4. Aufl., 335 S., Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1967

Lieuwen, Edwin: Militarism and politics in Latin Ameriea, in: Johnson, John J. (Hrsg.): The role of the military in underdeveloped countries, Princeton U.P., Princeton/NJ, 1967, S. 131 ff.

Wyckhoff, Theodore: The role of the military in Latin American politics, in: The Western Political Quarterly, Bd. 13 (1960), S. 744 ff.

1.1. Bibliografien

LaFrance, David G., Jones, Errol D. (Hrsg.): Latin American military history. An annotated bibliography, Garland, New York, 1992

2. Sachthemen

2.1. Budgets, Militär-... / Finanzierung von Rüstungsausgaben

cf. Waffenhandel

Apostolakis, Bobby E.: Warfare-welfare expenditure substitutions in Latin America, 1953-87, in: Journal of Peace Research, Bd. 29, Nr. 1 (1992), S. 85-98

Franko, Patrice: De facto demilitarization: Budget-driven downsizing in Latin America, in: Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Bd. 36, Nr. 1 (1994), S. 37-74

SIPRI yearbooks

2.2. Friedensverhandlungen nach internen Kriegen / Bürgerkriegen

Benítez Manaut, Raúl: Negociaciones de paz en el Tercer Mundo: análisis comparativo, in: Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals, Nr. 28 (1995), S. 67-89

Stedman, Stephen John; Rothchild, Donald; Cousens, Elizabeth M. (Hrsg.): Ending civil wars: the implementation of peace agreements, 729 S., Rienner, Boulder, Col., 2002 (enth. Fallstudien zu Lateinamerika)

2.3. Kriege

Scheina, Robert L.: Latin American's wars, Bd. 2: The age of the professional soldier, 1900-2001, 569 S., Brassey, Washington/D.C., 2003

2.4. Menschenrechtsverletzung in Militärdiktaturen

cf. Politik: Menschenrechtsverletzungen

2.5. Militärdiktaturen

Dietz, Henry A.: Poverty and problem-solving under military rule, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1980

Esser, Klaus; Sotelo, Ignacio, Moltmann, B.: Die bewaffneten Technokraten: Militär und Politik in Lateinamerika, Hannover, 1975

Fowler, Will: Authoritariansm in Latin America since Independence. Westport, 1996

Maira, Luis: Las dictaduras en América Latina, Santiago de Chile, 1986


Garretón, Manuel Antonio: Proyecto, trayectoria y fracaso de los regímenes militares del Cono Sur: Un balance, in: Alternativas, Santiago de Chile, Nr. 2 (1984), S. 5-23

Garzón Valdés, Ernesto: Caudillos und Diktatoren in Lateinamerika. Ein Klassifizierungsvorschlag, in: Iberoamericana, Jg. 11 (1980), S. 3-28

2.5.1. Transition von Militärdiktaturen zu Demokratien

Angell, Alan: Why is the transition to democracy proving so difficult?, in: Bulletin of Latin American Research, Bd. 5, Nr.1 (1986), S. 25-40

Malloy, James M., Seligson, Mitchell A. (Hrsg.): Authoritarians and democrats. Regime transition in Latin America, Pittsburgh/Pa., 1987

Merkel, Wolfgang; Puhle, Hans-Jürgen: Von der Diktatur zur Demokratie, Opladen, 1999

Nohlen, Dieter; Thibaut, Bernhard: Transitionsforschung zu Lateinamerika: Ansätze, Konzepte, Thesen, in: Merkel, Wolfgang (Hrsg.): Systemwechsel 1: Theorien, Ansätze und Konzeptionen, Opladen, 1994, S. 195 - 228

O'Donnell, Guillermo; Schmitter, Philippe; Whitehead, Laurence (Hrsg.): Transitions from authoritarianism in Latin America and Southern Europe, Washington, 1985

2.6. Geheimdienste / Internationale Kooperation

2.6.1. Operation Condor

McSherry, J. Patrice: Los Estados depredadores: la operación Cóndor y la guerra encubierta en América Latina, 327 S., Lom Ediciones, Montevideo, 2009

2.7. Paramilitärische Gruppen

Mazzei, Julie: Death squads or self-defense forces? How paramilitary groups emerge and challenge democracy in Latin America, 261 S., University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 2009

2.8. Rüstung

cf. Militärbudgets / Rüstungsausgaben

Radseck, Michael: Rohstoffe und Rüstung. Hintergründe und Wirkungen ressourcenfinanzierter Waffenkäufe in Südamerika, in: Lateinamerika-Analysen, Nr. 1 (2007), S. 203-41

Radseck, Michael: Südamerikas sicherheitspolitische Transparenz auf dem Prüfstand, Nr. 1: Meldeverhalten und Berichterstattungspolitik des Subkontinents gegenüber dem UN-Register für konventionelle Waffen, 36 S., IIK, Hamburg, 2003

Salinas, Juan: Narcos, banqueros & criminales: armas, drogas y política en América Latina a partir del Irangate, 153 S., Ed. Punto de Encuentro, Buenos Aires, 2005

Segura Herbas, José Fernando: Geopolítica y armamentismo en América del Sur, 224 S., Latinas Ed., Oruro, 2009

Straubhaar, Thomas: Rüstungsgüterimporte und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung: Probleme und Auswirkungen am Beispiel Lateinamerikas, 37 S., Wirtschaftswiss. Zentrum d. Univ. Basel, Basel, 1991

Vor 1989:

Brown, Thomas A.: Statistical indications of the effect of military programs on Latin America: 1950 - 1965, 14 S., Rand Corp., Santa Monica, Calif., 1969

2.8.1. Periodika

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI): Arms Trade Registers

2.8.2. Rüstungsexporte, Waffenhandel

Bernecker, Walther L.; Fischer, Thomas (Hrsg.): Unheimliche Geschäfte: Schweizer Rüstungsexporte nach Lateinamerika im 20. Jahrhundert, Chronos, Zürich, 1991

Evanson, Robert K.: Soviet Economic and Military Trade in Latin America: An Assessment, in: World Affairs, Bd. 149, Nr. 2 (1986), S. 75-85

Grimmelt, Richard F.: Trends in conventional arms transfers to the Third World by major suppliers, 1975-1982, Congressional Research Service, Washington, 1983

Kaplan, Stephen S.: U.S. arms transfers to Latin America, 1945-1974: Rational strategy, bureaucratic politics, and executive parameters, in: International Studies Quarterly, Bd. 19, Nr. 4 (1975), S. 399-431

Knape, John: Anglo-American rivalry in post-war Latin America: The question of arms sales, in: Ibero-Amerikanisches Archiv. N. F., Bd. 15, HNr. 3 (1989), S. 319-350

2.9. Rüstungskontrolle

Cochrane, James D.; Hugh B. Stinson: The movement for regional arms control in Latin America, in: Journal of Inter-American studies and world affairs, Bd. 13, Nr. 1 (1971), S. 1-17

3. Ausland / Militärkooperation mit dem ...

3.1. Militärberater

Nunn, Frederick M.: European military Influence in South America: The Origins and Nature of professional Militarism in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru (1890-1940), in: JbLA, Bd. 12 (1975), S. 230-252

Nunn, Frederick M.: Military-Civilian Relations In Comparative Perspective: Theoretical Prospects for South America, in: Bicentenario: Revista de Historia de Chile y América, Bd. 3, Nr. 1 (2004), S. 35-63

Nunn, Frederick M.: Military lnstitutions in Transition: Changing Times and Times of Change in Latin American Officer Corps Thought and Self-Perception, in: Bicentenario, Bd. 1, Nr. 2 (2002), S. 5-23

Nunn, Frederick M.: Yesterday's soldiers: European military professionalism in South America, 1890-1940, 365 S., Univ. of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Neb., 1983

Schäfer, Jürgen: Deutsche Militärhilfe an Südamerika. Militär- und Rüstungsinteressen in Argentinien, Bolivien und Chile vor 1914, 311 S., Bertelsmann, Düsseldorf, 1974

3.2. Amerika

3.2.1. USA

Bloomfield, Richard J.: Alternative to intervention: a new U.S.-Latin American security relationship, 159 S., Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, 1990

Child, John: The Unequal Alliance: The Inter-American military system, 1938-1978, Westview Press, Boulder/Col., 1980

Fitch, J. Samuel: The Decline of US Military Influence in Latin America, in: Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Bd. 35, Nr. 2 (1993), S. 1-49

Haugaard, Lisa; Isacson, Adam; Olson, Joy: Erasing the lines: trends U.S. military programs with Latin America, 20 S., Latin America Working Group Washington, DC, 2005

Isacson, Adam: Below the radar: U.S. military programs with Latin America, 1997-2007,  27 S., Latin America Working Group Washington, DC, 2007

Vor 1989:

Baines, John M.: U.S. military assistance to Latin America: an assessment, in: Journal of lnter-American Studies and World Affairs, Bd. 14, Nr. 4 (1972), S. 469-487

Bowman, Stephen Lee, The Evolution of United States Army Doctrine for Counterinsurgency Warfare: From World War II to the Commitment of Combat Units in Vietnam, University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, 1985

Child, John: The Unequal Alliance: The Inter-American military system,1938-1978, Westview Press, Boulder/Col., 1980

Etchison, Don L.: The United States and Militarism in Central America, Praeger, New York, 1975

Francis, Michael Jackson: Attitudes of the Unites States government toward collective military arrangements with Latin America, 1945-1960, phil.Diss., Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia, 1963

Francis, Michael Jackson: Military aid to Latin America in the U.S. Congress, in: Journal of Inter-American Studies, Vol. 6, Nr. 3 (1964), S. 389-404

Griffin, Geraldine Mazzei: United States Counterinsurgency Policy in Latin America: Its Origins, Methods and Effects, University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, 1986

Kaplan, Stephen S.: U.S. Arms Transfers to Latin America, 1945-1974: Rational Strategy, Bureaucratic Politics, and Executive Parameters, in: International Studies Quarterly, Bd. 19, Nr. 4 (1975), S. 399-431

Kemp, Geoffrey: Some Relationship between U.S. Military Training in Latin America and Weapons, Acquisition Patterns: 1959-1969, MIT Center for International Studies, Cambridge/Mass., 1970

3.2.2. School of the Americas

Fishel, John T.; Fishel, Kimbra L.: The impact of an educational institution on host nation militaries: the U. S. Army School of the Americas as an effective instrument of policy or merely a scapegoat, 30 S., LASA, Guadalajara, 1997

Gill, Lesley: The School of the Americas: military training and political violence in the Americas, 281 S., Duke Univ. Press, Durham, NC, 2004

McCoy, Katherine E.: Trained to Torture? The Human Rights Effects of Military Training at the School of the Americas, in: Latin American Perspectives, Bd. 32, Nr. 6 (2005), S. 47-64

Pallmeyer, Jack Nelson: School of assassins: the case for closing the School of the Americas and for fundamentally changing U.S. foreign policy, 2. Aufl., 112 S., Orbis Books, Maryknoll, NY, 1997

3.3. Asien

3.3.1. China

Ellis, Robert Evan: China-Latin America military engagement: good will, good business, and strategic position, 79 S., Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., 2011

3.4. Europa

3.1. West-Europa vor 1989

Albrecht, Ulrich: Military-economic collaboration between South America and Europe. The role of the European community and sub-state actors, 18 Bl., Berlin, 1984